Enrolment Information

Upwey High School is a medium-sized government school, accommodating students in Years 7 – 12 from across the Dandenong Ranges and its wider area. We pride ourselves on our acceptance and embrace of students from a diverse range of backgrounds and believe that everyone deserves the opportunity of a quality education and a place where they feel nurtured and heard.

Our main intake derives from year 7 enrolments at the beginning of each year. However- in line with department policy- we do accept in-zone applications from other year levels throughout the year. Unfortunately, Upwey High School cannot accept out-of-zone applications for years 8-12 at this time. 

Our Enrolment Zone

Our school zone is available on findmyschool.vic.gov.au which hosts the most up-to-date information on school zones in Victoria.

Students residing within our school zone are guaranteed a place at our school, which is determined on the basis of your permanent residential address.

Our school manages enrolments using the Placement Policy to ensure that students have access to their designated neighbourhood school and may enrol at another school if there are available places.

You also have the choice to seek enrolment at a school that is not your local school. If Upwey High School is outside of your dedicated school zone then you are welcome to apply and we will endeavour to accommodate for your child if we have sufficient capacity.

Please also see information on local public transport options for families in the School Bus Program Eligibility Guide.

Parent Payments

Parent Payment Charges Letter 2025

Year 7 Parent Payment Charges 2025

Year 8 Parent Payment Charges 2025

Year 9 Parent Payment Charges 2025

Year 10 Parent Payment Charges 2025

VCE Parent Payment Charges 2025

VM Parent Payment Charges 2025

Parent Payments Overview

Parent Payment Policy

State School’s Relief Information 


How to Enrol


Applications that sit outside of our annual year 7 intake are handled on a case-by-case basis. Families are advised to call or email the general office on 9754 2838. In-zone applications are invited to discuss their desired enrolment with our team and will be directed to the relevant Assistant Principal. Prospective Students will be invited in for an interview to discuss how we can best support their learning journey and any additional needs or requirements, before completing a formal application form. 

Unfortunately, at this stage we do not have the capacity to accept out-of-zone applications.