Student Programs - Middle Years (7-9)

Throughout the Middle Years (Years 7-9) we organise around a significant teacher’ model. This means that all Year 7-9 classes have two teachers who teach that class for about half of the time. 

Teaching Teams work together to plan the curriculum and the look after the wellbeing of students at each year level.  All teachers work in one main teaching team.

Upwey High School prides itself on the comprehensive curriculum that is offered, based on and covering the Victorian Curriculum.

There is a broad-based educational core for Years 7-9.

Languages offered are French and Japanese. Year 7 students study each for a semester and then decide which language they will continue with.

A snapshot of our curriculum at each year level includes: 

Years 7 and 8 - Focus on Foundational Learning
Ø  Literacy and numeracy intervention programs
Ø  A choice of one of two languages: French or Japanese
Ø  Students complete a range of experiences in Technology and Art. This provides the students with an opportunity to study Food Technology, Materials Technology, Electronics, Music, Drama, Ceramics, Textiles, Painting, Drawing and Graphics.

Year 9 – New Horizons
Ø  Students complete integrated units, allowing in-depth study of ‘big question’ issues
Ø  A focus on the development of skills in leadership, decision making and initiative is introduced via special programs such as:
New Horizons - City Experience, consisting of a number of individual days based around enquiry, Careers Counselling, Leadership Training and overnight and 3 day Outdoor Camps and a 'Tough Mudder' Day.

Ø  Students elect studies in Art and Technology
Ø  Enhancement programs continue across all learning areas
Ø  Career counseling is formally introduced. The Careers and Pathways Centre is open to students at all year levels and our staff can provide assistance and advice to students at any point in their schooling. Parents are also welcome to speak with them.